Link to Postman: TheOneProxy
The token obtained in the call must be included in the following calls as an Authorization type header in Bearer Token mode.
Url: /login
Tipo: POST
Parámetros de entrada: { email: '', password: ''}
Parámetros de salida: { token: ''}
Respuesta: 200 - Ok
Obtain proxies
With this call we will obtain the user's proxy information.
Url: /get-proxies
Tipo: GET
Parámetros de salida: { proxies: [] }
Respuesta: 200 - Ok
Change IP
You can perform 1 IP change per minute. In addition to the API you can also use the following link: https://dashboard.theoneproxy.com/api/change-proxy-ip-get?token=yourtoken&proxy_key=yourproxykey
Url: /change-proxy-ip
Tipo: POST
Parámetros de entrada: { proxy_key: ''}
Respuestas: 200 - Ok, 429 - Error llamada antes del minuto
Change IP auto-update data
Url: /change-proxy-data
Tipo: POST
Parámetros de entrada: {
proxy_key: '',
interval_x: 0,
interval_y: 0,
calendar_s: 0,
calendar_t: 0,
calendar_f: 0
Respuesta: 200 - Ok
Use the proxy restart only if you are unable to connect to the proxies. When restarting, the connection is lost between 50-70 seconds. The restart will start after approximately 30 seconds.
Url: /reboot-proxy
Tipo: POST
Parámetros de entrada: { proxy_key: ''}
Respuestas: 200 - Ok, 429 - Error demasiadas peticiones